Saturday, June 19, 2021/Categories: Parish News
Dear parishioners,
A few weeks ago, we took up a special collection for COVID relief work in India. Collected amount was $12,684/- (Sacred Heart: 7004/-, St. Mary's: 1972/-, Marysville parish/Knights: 3708/). The money has been distributed between 3 different places through the Church and convents helping over 500 families with $25 worth of groceries enough for 3-4 weeks. I have inserted in this bulletin a few pictures of food distribu- tion. Here is also a link if you would like to watch a YouTube presentation.
Thank you very much for spreading some hope & positivity in their lives through your kindness & generosity! -Fr. Regie
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Sunday, Jan.12, 10:15 a.m. +Arlene Schmitz
Tuesday, NO MASS
Wednesday, NO MASS
Thursday, NO MASS
Sunday, Jan. 19, 10:15 a.m. +Robert Holthaus