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2003 Summer Social
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Parish News
The crowd was large and the weather nearly perfect for the 2006 Parish Picnic on Sunday, June 25. Approximately 1065 suppers were served using a new buffet line method. The 2006 event earned a net income of $19,034. This compares to $19,095 in 2005; $21,421 in 2004 and $18,155 in 2003. Thanks to all those who supported the parish picnic, and parishioners who provided food and worked at the event.
The total proceeds from the auction were $4760. The prices and purchases of the quilts are shown below.
1. Monterrey Medallion: $675, purchased by Mike and Linda Schmitz
2. Scrapaholic: $400, purchased by Roger and Christina Stallbaumer
3. Circle of Hearts: $450, purchase by Todd and Misty Blume
4. Bear Claws Around the Cabin: $450, purchased by Ambrose and MaryAnn Schmitz
Among other items sold included:
- Oak book case by Nordhus Woodworking: $325, purchased by Donna Nordhus
- Child’s motor bike by Gene’s Welding: $300 by Gerard Hasenkamp
Thanks again to the many businesses that donated auction items or towards bingo prizes.
Here’s a last look at the quilts for 2006:
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Theme picker
A Summary of German Immigrants to Northeast Kansas
The 14 Stations of the Cross, 37 statues and 79 Angels . . .
The Rules in 1905 . . .
Repairing Rotting Rafters and “Talk of a New Hall”
Our Parish Tidbits: Electrical lighting -- and litghting!
Our Parish Tidbits – Excerpts from Fr. Cyril Bayer's Composition Book, August 5, 1934: “It is our intention to charge 25 c for the picnic supper.”
Our Parish Tidbits – Excerpts from Fr. Cyril Bayer's Composition Book, August 19 and September 2, 1934 -- The Sisters return; movies in church basement . . .
Our Parish History Tidbits -- An Excerpt from Fr. Cyril Bayer’s Composition Book, Feb. 11, 1934
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Beginning the Massive Interior Restoration . . .
Restoration of the Interionr
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Hinners Pipe Organ Installed in 1916
A Lightning Strike -- And the St. Benedict Light & Power Company
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George Satory Paints Interior in 1901
Statutes of St. Boniface and St. Patrick represent the German and Irish make-up of the parish.
Nomination Application to National Register Describes St. Mary’s Church . . .
Satory Embelishes St. Mary's Church With Symbolic Art . . .
Our Parish Tidbits ... A Festive Dedication Celebration, Nov. 14, 1894
Our Parish Tidbits -- Finishing the Construction . . .
Building of the Fourth Church
Our Parish Tidbits . . .
Fund raising
The People of the Parish
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Heating plant
Steeple repair
Maintenance of the church
Restoration of the Interior: September 1979 - January 1983
Symbolic art
St. Mary's Church, a repository of art
Furnishing the church
Dedication and consecration of the Church
Building a house of worship...
Founding of the Parish
Cemetery Improvement Project
Anniversary Books, Video Tour, Genealogy
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