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Satory Embelishes St. Mary's Church With Symbolic Art . . .

Friday, December 10, 2021/Categories: History

“The frescoing [painting] in the grand and stately church at St. Benedict is nearing completion. The artist, George F. Satory, of Wabasha, Minnesota, has spared no pains in converting the bare walls into ones of pronounced beauty. The delicate harmony and blend of shades, richly intermingled with pure gold and silver leaf, make it a delightful scene to gaze upon. The fifteen mysteries of the Rosary are each richly brought out in emblematical form. The Coronation emblem occupies the entire dome in the center nave, and when the full meaning is explained the art therein is truly displayed. The historical subjects, painted by the famous portrait artist, Theodore Zukotynski, of Chicago, Illinois, add much to the beauty of the work. In all, there is no spot, where the eye can rest displeased. May visitors claim it the finest ever seen throughout many cities. The pastor, Rev. P Anthony, O.S. B., and the parish are to be congratulated on securing so talented a young artist who has made this grand art a life study. During his ten years of practice, after years of study, he has met with unbounded success and been rewarded with the finest testimonials of noted Bishops and clergy. The interior decoration of the church will be practically complete by August 1, with the exception of a few historical subjects to be painted on the upper walls of the sanctuary. The artist, Mr. Satory, and his force of men expect to begin work on the Catholic Church in this city by August 1.”  (from Courier Democrat, July 26, 1901).



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