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Father Owen to visit Brazil

Tuesday, April 16, 2002/Categories: Parish News

Father Owen is planning to return to Brazil to receive the vows of a novice at the Monastery of St. Joseph's at Mineiros, Goias, Brazil. The Monastery was founded by St. Benedict's Abbey, Atchison, KS in 1962. While Abbot Owen is there he will visit with friends and acquaintances he has made over the course of five other visits he has made to same area.

Two children from Meinerois have been adopted through the Christian Foundation for Children in Kansas City. The support for these young people was initiated as a result of the fourth annual Kelly Youth Rally. While he is in Brazil, Father Owen will visit the children and their families. Father will have photographs taken and help establish a Nemaha County connection with people far less fortunate than we are blessed to be.

As Father Owen has pointed out, compared to the common people of Brazil, we are all very wealthy.

A pieced, flannel quilt has been donated for a fundraiser to help support the two teenagers in Mineiros, Goias, Brazil. Proceeds from the raffle and Youth Rally will be given to the Prior of the St. Joseph's Monastery to be given to the children to further their education.

Tickets for the quilt raffle will be sold at the pancake breakfast, Sunday, November 11 at St. Benedict. The drawing will be held December 16 to allow time for additional ticket sales. Tickets for the quilt can be obtained by contacting Kathleen Ronnebaum at 336-3286 (after 5 p.m.) or call Lillian Engelken at 336-3160. Tickets are $1 each or six tickets for $5.

The quilt is in lodge style colors: red, blue, greens and tans. It measures 76" by 92". The quilt will be on display at the Annual Pancake Breakfast on November 11 at the Parish Hall.



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